Being a member of the Animal Therapist Sanctuary binds you to these terms and conditions. As a member of the Animal Therapist Sanctuary, you agree with these terms and conditions as laid out here.
This membership aims to form a supportive community of animal therapists working together professionally.
All members will remain respectful to other members at all times.
Being a part of this group requires trust from us all. Authentic and expressive discussions will make this group great and a place of learning. Some meetings may be sensitive and private, and what is shared in the group by its members should stay in the group and n to discussed elsewhere.
Please respect other people's views; they may not be the same as yours.
Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying is not allowed, and degrading comments about race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated. If a member is proven to be bullying another member, their membership will be terminated.
If you have an issue with a member, don't hesitate to contact Tony Sherry to inform him.
Do not spam the site or other members.
Failure to pay the monthly fee will result in the member's account being terminated.